Katie assesses your needs, then develops a strategic plan that supports your goals. After that, leave the writing to her. She’ll deliver right on time. Katie’s experience runs the gamut—from website content to books, press releases, blogs, case studies, magazine articles, bios, communication plans, fliers, brochures, newsletters, success stories and more.
With a sharp eye and vital external perspective, Katie ensures clear messaging and content aligned to your goals. Your words will be believable, even buy-able, with editing that addresses big-picture issues, such as style and tone, as well as smaller errors and oversights. The “point”? To scrutinize and refine your work in a supportive, empowering way.
Love your content but need extra eyes to catch typos and errors? Katie spots and corrects those common—and not so common—grammatical and punctuation pitfalls. As spell-check isn't always our friend (e.g., there vs. their), she proofs for traditional purposes, plus any needs unique to your company's writing manual, style preferences or guidelines.